Harj & Suman Wedding
JUNE 6, 2020
We are recommending anyone that has booked there flights contact their credit card issuer and request a charge-back. Attached is a fully detailed script on how to request a charge-back. Please ensure you follow steps to be successful in getting your money back.
RBC Dispute/Charge-back Department: 1-877-717-2377 (opt 1, opt 2)

APRIL 30, 2020
As there has been no further progress or "light at the end of the tunnel" yet, we are still uncertain of when we will be rescheduling for.
We had asked West Jet to refund all of our guests that booked through the travel agency however they are only offering travel credits. The credits would be applied to your individual West Jet account); valid for 24 months. We still fully intend on having our events in Mexico once we are all confident that it is safe to do so.
We understand that a credit may not be ideal at this time therefore, if you prefer to have your full refund we ask that you contact your credit card company (the card you used to make payment) and advise them that you would like to do a "charge-back" as the airline cancelled the flights and did not fulfill their end of the contract.
For those of you that do not require a refund and would like to remain "booked" for our future date, we will have the travel agency issue a travel credit that can be applied at that time. Please contact West Jet to obtain your "West Jet Rewards ID" and email that info to wedding@sekhon.ca.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, we should have been packing right now!
Harj & Suman
MARCH 16, 2020
We will have updated plans listed here.
Due to recent events and the rapidly evolving pandemic surrounding COVID-19, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone our wedding.
All parties that have booked thru Travel Masters will be rebooked to new dates once we have confirmed the new wedding week. We will be sure to notify each and every one of you.
If you booked outside of Travel Masters, please contact your agent to explore your options.
Paath (March 22) - Postponed to late-Spring 2020
Engagement (April 4) - Postponed to Summer 2020
Wedding (May 2-9) - Postponed to Fall 2020
Please bare with us while we work thru the logistics.
If anyone has any questions, concerns, or inquires please email wedding@sekhon.ca rather than reaching out to the families.
Thank you